Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm so sick of having contractions. It's an all day, every day thing now and I'm so bored with it. It was like this at the end of my pregnancy with Ry too. I went to the hospital at 38 weeks because I thought I was in labor and they sent me home. I went back at 39 weeks and it wasn't the real thing either, but they induced me anyways. I don't remember it being this consistent, this early though. Maybe that means I'll go early.

I've been drinking all morning and have been sitting with my feet up all morning. They aren't painful and they aren't regular, so I know they aren't real. They're just annoying.

CB is supposed to come over tomorrow to hang out with me. I may see if she wants to go out to lunch so I can get out of the house. Not that I wasn't out of the house last night, but still. We went to El Chaps for dinner for my birthday. I ate way too much, but it was sooo good. I ended up with a belly ache and terrible heartburn so I didn't sleep well last night. I can make up for it tonight since the kids are with their dad. Just no spicy food before bed.

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